I have been working with Schools for 5 years here is what they about the visits
"Patrick is very knowledgeable and communicates very well with the children and staff."
- Scoil Nioclais Naofa
"It was a fantastic workshop and Patrick has a great way with the children he kept everyone engaged from beginning to end"
- Ballyshannon NS
"Really interesting and informative presentation. Lovely way and understanding with children“
- Scoil Nioclais Naofa
"The workshop was extremely engaging and enjoyed by all children We would highly recommend the facilitator." - Ballyshannon NS
"Another excellent visit from Patrick. Children really enjoy the visits"
- Sacred Heart Senior School, Dublin
"Patrick is a fountain of knowledge and is passionate about nature in every way. He imparts his knowledge is a quiet way and boys hang on his every word."
- St Laurence's BNS, Kilmacud, Dublin
"Patrick is a terrific facilitator, passionate about his subject. He is always prepared as if it rains he has an indoor lesson prepared as backup."
-Harolds Cross N.S., Dublin
"Very pleased with Patrick Hunt's engagement with the school. It is particularly helpful to consistently work with the same expert...as it allows us to sustain and build on good practice. This approach has a very positive impact on learning throughout the school.
" Scoil San Treasa, Dublin
"Pat has facilitated workshops twice in our school and on both visits demonstrated and shared his knowledge and interest on the topics. He really engages the children and the staff and the children learned lots on his visits. We look forward to welcoming him back to our school.“
- Ballyshannon NS, Kildare
"A highly enjoyable visit.The content was highly relevant to the children and informative to teachers and children alike"
- St Colmcilles JNS, Dublin
"Very professional and great rapport with the children." - Sacred Heart Senior School, Dublin
"Patrick is absolutely superb with the children. Generates massive interest and results are amazing."
- St Olaf's NS, Dublin
"Super day of exploration and learning about the many diverse life forms in our local river"
- Scoil Nioclais Naofa, Wicklow